The alliance between Mining Finland and Linkminers will facilitate the introduction of solutions and technologies from METS members of Mining Finland to the Latin American mining industry.
Suomalaiset arvioivat: Venäjän hyökkäys Ukrainaan korostaa kotimaisen kaivostoiminnan tärkeyttä
Kolme neljästä suomalaisesta arvioi, että Suomi ja EU ovat liian riippuvaisia Kiinan ja Venäjän kaivosteollisuuden tuotteista. Vain kuusi prosenttia suomalaisista arvioi, että Euroopassa ei tarvita kaivoksia, koska raaka-aineita voi tuoda muualtakin.
Lasse Moilanen on nimitetty Mining Finland ry:n toimitusjohtajaksi
Lasse Moilanen aloittaa Mining Finland ry:n toimitusjohtajana 1.7.2022.
Lasse Moilanen has been appointed as the new CEO of Mining Finland association
Lasse Moilanen has been appointed as the new CEO of Mining Finland, starting from 1st July 2022.
Erasmus Mundus Joint Master in Sustainable Mineral and Metal Processing Engineering
Welcome to EMJM PROMISE. The Erasmus Mundus Joint Master in Sustainable Mineral and Metal Processing Engineering
HPW-DUST at Mines and Quarries – Pro-Level Dust Control by Dynaset Oy
Dynaset provides pro-level dust control solutions for the mining industry.
BioSO4 Oy - International Sulfur Management Professional in the Mining Industry
BioSO4 offers a wide range of environmentally friendly and cost-effective REACH-registered enrichment chemicals from major international manufacturers.
Kokkola Material Week 2021 – towards sustainable future
Kokkola Material Week - GeoKokkola Day 16th Nov 2021
EU-Rahoitusinstrumentti selvittämään liiketoimintamahdollisuuksia suomalaisille pk-yrityksille Latinalaisessa Amerikassa
Low Carbon Business Action on EU: n rahoittama liiketoiminnan foorumi, jonka tarkoituksena on kehittää lisäarvoa tuottavia B2B-suhteita eurooppalaisten Cleantech-teknologiantoimittajien ja kestäviä ratkaisuja etsivien yritysten välillä Argentiinassa, Brasiliassa, Chilessä ja Kolumbiassa.
Miia Mikkonen has been appointed as the new CEO of Mining Finland Association
Miia Mikkonen, M.Sc. in Geography and MBA in International Business Management, has been appointed as the CEO of Mining Finland Association, starting on 1st June 2021.
Mining Finland and MSTA of Canada will cooperate in the international markets
Mining Finland and The Mining Suppliers Trade Association Canada (MSTA) have signed a Memorandum of Understanding for developing the co-operation of the organizations in Canadian, Finnish, and particularly on international mining markets.
The Mining of Minerals and the Limits to Growth
The goal of industrial scale transition away from fossil fuels into non-fossil fuel systems is a very large task. To achieve this objective, an unprecedented demand for minerals will be required, writes professor Simon Michaux.
Innovation needs for the circular economy of batteries in Finland
"Finland remains a country with a comparatively low collection rate for batteries, only around 45%, lower than the average in Europe. This is an evident problem", says professor Rodrigo Serna. He is assistant professor of mineral processing and recycling in Aalto University.
Metals are absolutely necessary for the whole society
"There is no electricity without metals, no smartphones, no hygienic food production in quantities needed for the population, no transportation, and no possibilities for electric cars without metals", professor Ari Jokilaakso of Aalto University states.
How to attract media attention
As written media is struggling with a declining economic situation, journalists are less likely to be employed than before. However, it is still possible to have articles published in the media and to receive positive publicity for your mining cluster company.
Energy storage systems facilitate the transition to renewable energy sources in remote mines
"Finland remains a country with a comparatively low collection rate for batteries, only around 45%, lower than the average in Europe. This is an evident problem", says professor Rodrigo Serna. He is assistant professor of mineral processing and recycling in Aalto University.
Finland´s answer to battery metal hype and circular economy
Electric mobility builds on a promise of greenness.
Mineraalisektorin investoinnit jopa miljardi euroa
Mineraalisektorin yritysten liikevaihto on kehittynyt positiivisesti tänä vuonna ja kasvun arvioidaan jatkuvan ensi vuonna. Henkilöstömäärä on niin ikään kasvussa. Alan investoinnit nousevat noin miljardiin euroon vuosina 2021–23.
Kajaanin ammattikorkeakoulu (KAMK) toteutti kansainvälisen kaivosalan kesäkoulun verkkokoulutuksena elokuussa, 2020.