Sustainable technology for the entire life cycle
Smart solutions are vital to the entire mineral sector. During the long history of the industry, Finland has developed sustainable technology for all phases of the processes in the mineral sector.
However, new innovations are still needed. Companies especially develop new circular economy solutions that save the environment and create new business opportunities. In Finland, the state, research institutes and companies aim for a smarter economy.
Wave in the mining cluster
The circular economy is in the DNA of the mineral industry, because metals can be recycled endlessly and there is an economic motivation to recycle valuable metals.
The circular economy creates new opportunities for mines to achieve both business and environmental goals.
Taking advantage of new circular economy solutions also involves many challenges:
• Waste rock often located far from urban construction
• New innovators needed to develop circular solutions
• More sources to fund new solutions and business models
• More public-private R&D to support innovations
The challenges have been made solvable and benefits are massive.
• Reduced consumption of natural resources
• Minimal energy consumption and CO2 emissions
• Healthier biodiversity
That's why companies operating in Finland, research institutes and the government work together to find solutions.