Innovation needs for the circular economy of batteries in Finland
"Finland remains a country with a comparatively low collection rate for batteries, only around 45%, lower than the average in Europe. This is an evident problem", says professor Rodrigo Serna. He is assistant professor of mineral processing and recycling in Aalto University.
Metals are absolutely necessary for the whole society
"There is no electricity without metals, no smartphones, no hygienic food production in quantities needed for the population, no transportation, and no possibilities for electric cars without metals", professor Ari Jokilaakso of Aalto University states.
How to attract media attention
As written media is struggling with a declining economic situation, journalists are less likely to be employed than before. However, it is still possible to have articles published in the media and to receive positive publicity for your mining cluster company.
Energy storage systems facilitate the transition to renewable energy sources in remote mines
"Finland remains a country with a comparatively low collection rate for batteries, only around 45%, lower than the average in Europe. This is an evident problem", says professor Rodrigo Serna. He is assistant professor of mineral processing and recycling in Aalto University.
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